Deploying a Cookiecutter Django Site on AWS

Step-by-step walkthrough of deploying a Django app to AWS using the Django Cookiecutter template.

Ben Lindsay


July 23, 2019

The Django Cookiecutter template is an amazing tool to start up a Django project with all the bells and whistles ready to go. Getting your production site up and running can still be a bit of a hassle though, so to save myself, and hopefully a few others, from this hassle in the future, I’m recording all the steps that worked for me here. I’m sure there are other ways of doing this, and I’d love feedback on how to simplify the process.

Quick Note

Following these steps may incur some small charges on AWS even if you think you’re on the “Free Tier”. Keep an eye on your billing dashboard and terminate all EC2 instances and delete Elastic IPs once you’re done with them. For reference though, my billing forecast shows $1.38 for the month of July after tons of messing around on AWS. If you have some AWS Educate credits, or some of your credits from starting an account left over, you should be fine though. Also you can set up billing alerts to make sure you don’t get caught off-guard.

What you’ll get out of this

If you follow all these steps closely, by the end you will have an HTTPS enabled site with a custom domain name running via Docker on AWS EC2, backed by PostgreSQL, Redis, and Traefik. You’ll be able to create simple user profiles with email confirmations (with some caveats). And best of all, you won’t have spent a dime. This is all it will look like, but it’ll be ready for you to put it straight into production once you customize it.

Django Cookicutter Screenshot

1. Initialize EC2 Instance

Log in to your AWS Console (sign up for the Free Tier if you don’t have an account already). Click EC2 under services, and select your desired region from the menu near the top right of the page. I chose US East (Ohio) because that’s closest to my current location.

Region Selection Screenshot

Click on Running Instances, then Launch Instance. This gives you a list of images you can pick from. I used the second one because it says it includes Python and Docker. Other images would probably work too.

AWS AMI Selection Screenshot

In the launch wizard, the only thing you need to modify is the Security Group. Click on “6. Configure Security Group” at near the top of the screen, then click “Add Rule” to add HTTP, then do it again to add HTTPS. This is necessary to make your instance accessible as an HTTPS-enabled website.

AWS EC2 Security Group Configuration

With that, you’re set to launch. When you click launch, you’ll see a screen asking you to select or create a key pair. I’ll create a new one called “test-aws” and hit “Download Key Pair”. A good place to store the test-aws.pem file is in your ~/.ssh/ folder. Whatever you do, do not version control this file. You don’t want to accidentally push your private key to Github.

AWS Create Key Pair

After downloading your key pair, make sure it has the correct permissions by running

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/test-aws.pem

Make sure to use the path that points to your .pem file if you named it differently or stored it somewhere else. Now you can finally launch your EC2 instance with the “Launch Instances” button. Now you can go back to your EC2 Dashboard, click on “Running Instances” and see your freshly launched EC2 instance.

2. Get an Elastic IP Address

Your EC2 Dashboard shows you a lot of info about your EC2 instance, including your IPv4 Public IP. This address could change during the lifetime of your EC2 instance though, so you need to assign it an Elastic IP, which will remain attached to your instance as long as you want. To do this, select the Elastic IP service in your AWS Console and click “Allocate new address”.

AWS Allocate Elastic IP

You don’t have to change anything from the defaults. Going through that short wizard will give you a new Elastic IP address. In my case, it’s Now that you have this IP Address, go to your Elastic IP Dashboard, select the new Elastic IP, click “Actions”, then “Associate address” to associate it with your running instance.

AWS Associate Elastic IP

In the next screen, choose select your instance then click “Associate”.

AWS Select Instance to Associate Elastic IP

3. Add IAM Role to EC2 Instance

The last modification you have to do to your EC2 instance is to add an IAM role to it to allow it to access S3 storage, which is where the static files will be stored. First, we need to create the IAM role. Go to the IAM service in your AWS Console (search “IAM” in the search box). You’ll see something that looks like this with a few default IAM roles already available. We’ll make a new one that only has an S3 Access policy, so click “Create role”.

AWS IAM Dashboad

Choose the EC2 service, then click “Next: Permissions”.

AWS Create IAM Role Page 1

Scroll down to the AmazonS3FullAccess policy, select that, then click “Next: Tags”.

AWS Create IAM Role Page 2

Skip to the next page, enter a name for this Role (I called it “S3Access”), and click “Create role”.

AWS Create IAM Role Page 4

Now we need to attach this role to our EC2 instance. Go to the Running Instances section of your EC2 Dashboard. Select your instance, then click “Actions > Instance Settings > Attach/Replace IAM Role”.

AWS Attach IAM Role

Select your S3Access IAM role and attach it.

4. Create S3 Bucket

Now that our EC2 instance is all set up, we need to create an S3 bucket to store static files in. Go to the S3 service in your AWS Console and click “Create bucket”. In the wizard that pops up, make sure the Region is the same as your EC2 instance and pick a name for your bucket, then click “Next”.

AWS Create S3 Bucket Page 1

You can stick with the default options in page 2 and click Next. On the “Set Permissions” page, you’ll need to uncheck all the boxes so it is publicly accessible.

AWS Create S3 Bucket Page 3

Click “Next”, then create the bucket.

5. Get a Domain Name

To enable HTTPS using Let’s Encrypt (the default certificate authority in the Django Cookiecutter template), you’ll need a domain name. You can get a domain name for free (!) from I got Whether you use Freenom or some other service, you need to create A records that associate the Elastic IP we reserved for our EC2 instance with this domain name. It should look something like this, where the “Target” for both records is our Elastic IP:

Freenom DNS Management

Be aware that it might take a day or two for your IP address change to actually go through so that your domain name actually points to the right place.

6. Initialize Django Project with Cookiecutter

OK, that was a lot of clicking through wizards so pat yourself on the back, stand up and stretch, maybe grab a coffee. Now we’re finally ready to start getting to Django. If you don’t already have cookiecutter installed (you can check with which cookiecutter), you can install it with

pip install cookiecutter

Once that’s installed, you can initialize your Django project with


This asks a bunch of questions. Here’s how I answered them:

You've downloaded /Users/benlindsay/.cookiecutters/cookiecutter-django before. Is it okay to delete and re-download it? [yes]:
project_name [My Awesome Project]: Test Django On AWS
project_slug [test_django_on_aws]:
description [Behold My Awesome Project!]: Deploying Django on AWS for Free
author_name [Daniel Roy Greenfeld]: Ben Lindsay
domain_name []:
email []:
version [0.1.0]:
Select open_source_license:
1 - MIT
2 - BSD
3 - GPLv3
4 - Apache Software License 2.0
5 - Not open source
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) [1]:
timezone [UTC]: America/Chicago
windows [n]:
use_pycharm [n]:
use_docker [n]: y
Select postgresql_version:
1 - 11.3
2 - 10.8
3 - 9.6
4 - 9.5
5 - 9.4
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) [1]:
Select js_task_runner:
1 - None
2 - Gulp
Choose from 1, 2 (1, 2) [1]:
Select cloud_provider:
1 - AWS
2 - GCP
3 - None
Choose from 1, 2, 3 (1, 2, 3) [1]:
custom_bootstrap_compilation [n]:
use_compressor [n]:
use_celery [n]:
use_mailhog [n]:
use_sentry [n]:
use_whitenoise [n]:
use_heroku [n]:
use_travisci [n]:
keep_local_envs_in_vcs [y]:
debug [n]:
 [SUCCESS]: Project initialized, keep up the good work!

The only options that really matter for our purposes are putting the correct domain name ( in my case), choosing AWS as the cloud provider, and saying yes to use_docker. This makes a new folder called test_django_on_aws in my case with all the project files in it. Before doing anything else, let’s put our project in version control. The default .gitignore keeps production environment files out of version control, but always make sure you haven’t committed any secrets before pushing to Github.

cd test_django_on_aws
git init
git add .
git cm -m "files as generated by cookiecutter"

If you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your computer, you can test your Django project by running it locally. You don’t need Docker installed to deploy to AWS though. To run it locally, make sure you’re in the base project folder and run

docker-compose -f local.yml build
docker-compose -f local.yml up

The build command will take a long time the first time you run it so be patient. After running the up command, navigate to localhost:8000 in your browser, and you should see something like this, with a Django Debug Toolbar on the right.

Django Cookiecutter Local

7. Modify Production Environment Variables

Before deploying to AWS, there are a couple production environment variables to add in. If you open up .envs/.production/.django, you’ll see a file with these lines in it:

# Email
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At a minimum, you need to add the S3 bucket name to DJANGO_AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME. If you want to be able to have users create accounts on the site, you’ll need to add a MAILGUN_API_KEY and MAILGUN_DOMAIN as well. If you sign up for a free account at, you can follow the instructions here to get your API key. My variables now look something like this:

# Email
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. Install and Start Docker on EC2 Instance

OK, time to actually start doing stuff on the EC2 instance. To ssh in, we need the hostname, which you can get from the Running Instances dashboard within the EC2 service. It should look something like, where WWW.XXX.YYY.ZZZ would be your public IP. To ssh into my instance, I run

ssh -i ~/.ssh/test-aws.pem

Note: Your username is literally ec2-user, not something specific to you. It’s the same for everyone. Once you’re in, run a couple update/install commands:

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y docker
sudo service docker start
sudo pip install docker-compose

This next one is a nice convenience command to make it so we don’t have to type sudo in front of all our docker commands.

sudo usermod -aG docker ec2-user

Make sure it’s working by typing docker ps which should give you this output:

[ec2-user@ip-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX ~]$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

9. Copy Files to EC2 Instance

Open a new terminal window, and make sure you’re in your project’s top-level directory, i.e.

cd /path/to/test_django_on_aws

Then run this command with the right path to your .pem file and DNS:

rsync -av -e "ssh -i /path/to/your.pem" .

Now in your terminal that’s ssh’ed into AWS, you should be able to

cd ~/app

and see all of your files copied there.

10. Build and Deploy

Finally, it’s time. Within your app directory on your EC2 instance, run the following two commands:

docker-compose -f production.yml build
docker-compose -f production.yml up -d

The build command will take a while, but the up command will be pretty fast. Now if all goes well, you should be able to navigate to your domain name in a browser ( in my case) and see a screen like the very first screenshot in this blog post. If you don’t see it, keep calm and go to the next section. If you do, congratulations! The universe smiles kindly on you. Go purchase a lottery ticket, then skip to section 12 and read on about accessing the admin section and creating user profiles.

11. It didn’t work. Now what?

There are so many moving parts that it’s pretty unlikely this will have worked perfectly the first time through. Getting to the point where I could write this post was a study in masochism, plowing through problem after problem until I finally got the web page to render. I’ll go through some of the problems I ran into and how I fixed them to give you some ideas about what to do next.

  1. The domain might need some time to point to the right IP address. It can take up to a day or two. When Chrome couldn’t connect to the webpage, I opened a terminal and typed


    which responded with

     PING ( 56 data bytes
     Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
     Request timeout for icmp_seq 1

    I had previously pointed at, so I double-checked to make sure I had it pointed at my new Elastic IP, and…waited. ping kept showing the old IP for about an hour, so I let it sit overnight, and in the morning it pointed to the right one. Don’t worry if you get Request timeouts though. I get those and the site seems to be working fine.

  2. Check the logs. Once I got to the point of running the docker-compose commands on the EC2 instance, checking the logs was crucial to debugging my problems. That (plus a fancy new website called is how I found out that Let’s Encrypt doesn’t work without a domain name, how I found out I needed to point to an S3 bucket. The way you check them is to run

     docker-compose -f production.yml logs

    within the app directory of your EC2 instance. You’ll get a long printout of feedback from traefik, django, postgres, and redis. The main errors I ran into were traefik saying something like

     unable to generate a certificate for the domains [mydomain.blah]

    or a python stacktrace from django involving boto3, telling me there was a problem with S3. If S3 is working, you should see a folder called static in your S3 bucket in the AWS Console.

12. Admin Dashboard

The admin tool is a nice feature of Django, so let’s get that working. While sshed into your EC2 instance and in the app directory, first type

docker-compose -f production.yml run --rm django python migrate

to run migrations that will make the admin panel available, then create a superuser with

docker-compose -f production.yml run --rm django python createsuperuser

The Django Cookiecutter template is very security-conscious, so it generated a random string as the URL for your admin page. Go to .envs/.production/.django and find the line that looks like


Copy that string and navigate to, and it should give you a login screen. Log in with the username and password you just created, and you should see this admin page:

Django Admin Page

13. Create User Profiles

Before we try making a user profile, note that the free version of Mailgun only lets you send emails to addresses you have specified in your account. So to test this, you’ll need to go to and select your sandbox domain…

Mailgun Domains Page

…then add whatever emails you want to the list of authorized recipients.

Mailgun Authorized Recipients

Mailgun will send a confirmation email to whatever addresses you list. Once you add and confirm an address, you can test out user profile creation on your Django site with that address. Django will send that a confirmation email to that address. For me, that email showed up in Spam at first, so check there if you don’t see it.

14. Conclusion

I hope this post helps someone out there, especially future me. AWS can be a pain in the @$$ so hopefully having some detailed steps will make it just a little less painful. Happy coding, and I’d love to hear any feedback below or on the Twitters.